Building Ningbo city with ingenuity
sinceone thousand nine hundred and eightyyear在象山创建以来,龙元建设集团已走过四十余载。这一路,龙元建设集团风雨兼程,不忘初心,以建筑为本,在质量、技术、服务and制度等方面不断创新,赢得了浙江省建筑承包商龙头企业的地位。sincetwo thousand and fourSince the listing of the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange in, Longyuan Construction Group has gone through a series of first-class developmentBTandPPPThe road of investment realizes the transformation and development from construction contractor to urban construction investor.
Municipal greening project of Ningbo Olympic Sports Center project undertaken by Longyuan
Dongqianhu station of Ningbo Rail Transit tj4017 bid section constructed by Longyuan
Size up the situation & nbsp; actively explore
two thousand and fouryear,龙元建设集团便已经开始未雨绸缪,为提升企业竞争力进行长远的规划。成功上市之后,龙元建设集团积极拓展建筑施工上下产业链,先后通过兼并或控股的方式,将浙江大地钢结构有限公司、上海房屋设计院、上海信安幕墙有限公司等优质公司纳入旗下,形成以设计为龙头,从基础、土建、安装、装饰到钢结构、幕墙、市政、园林古建筑,乃至建材、劳务、房屋质量检测等“一站式”服务产业链,增强since身的总承包施工能力,培养一体化运营服务能力,以满足未来更高层次的业务模式需求。
The first PPP project won by Longyuan, Fujian Jinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center, has been put into use in the Dragon Boat Festival in two thousand and twenty
two thousand and thirteenyear,十八届三中全会提出“允许社会资本通过特许经营等方式参与城市基础设施投资and运营”。不久后,全国财政工作会议明确提出要推动PPPdevelopment. The decision-makers of Longyuan keenly feel that the great opportunity for traditional construction enterprises to transform and develop and join in the field of public service has come. With the help of the statePPP模式在基础设施and公共服务领域应用的东风,经过充分的酝酿准备,two thousand and fourteenyeartwelveThe Ministry of FinancePPPThe center has just been approved by Longyuan construction groupPPPLongyuan Mingcheng Investment Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., an investment management company, was established, and Longyuan construction group was officially established as a "construction company"+The role transformation of "investment" ushered in a good beginning of transformation and upgrading.
Adherence to compliance & nbsp; professionalism
get intoPPPSince its establishment, Longyuan Construction Group has been insisting on the importance of private enterprise participation in compliancePPPThe foundation of the project. For each project Longyuan Construction Group participates in, the marketing team, construction management team, financing team and operation team will strictly control a series of standardsPPP的规范性政策and行业政策逐条审查,绝不把任何风险带进项目。
Longyuan PPP service architecture
As a traditional construction contractor, Longyuan construction group is able toPPPThe success in the market depends on the professional team. Longyuan Construction GroupPPPThe team currently has more thanone thousandProfessionals, witheightMinistry of finance, national development and Reform CommissionPPPDouble database experts. Longyuan Mingcheng Investment Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltdone hundred and tenMany withPPP专业and投融资经验的人员,来since各大央企、国企and金融机构,均为复合型人才。其中,硕士以上学历超过半数,其中博士有fiveName: a super bank with financing background30%,sixWith legal professional qualification certificate,sixPosition holdingCFACertificate. Longyuanming city also set up a special officePPPResearch Center, in charge ofPPP政策的学习解读and研究。
龙元建设集团在运营方面也做了较为充分的准备,旗下拥有龙元天册、龙元明兴、森林硅谷等专注于园区运营、运营管理、特色小镇的专业运营公司,还组建了道路养护、农业运营、停车产业、医疗运营等涉及基础设施and公共服务多个领域的专业团队,通过控股、参股一些在旅游、文体方面具备竞争优势的运营机构,努力把since己打造成为一个"Full cycle, full field, more professional" social capital investors.
layout"Longyuan ecosystem" & nbsp; to achieve diversified development
Longyuan is committed to building "Longyuan ecology" and improving its comprehensive service capacity
two thousand and twentyyear新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,龙元建设集团作为公众企业,用实际行动践行着国家号召。龙元振元慈善基金累计捐赠six39.2万元致敬援鄂医护人员。同yearsixIn March, Longyuan construction group helped the education cause, seeking improvement and development in cooperation, and cooperating with "double first-class" universities3six00万,校企共建“宁波大学龙元建筑金融研究院”,创新人才培养模式,为行业培养现代企业应用型、复合型人才。“百year龙元,用心服务”,龙元建设集团始终坚持在创造价值的同时,不断回馈社会。